Sneak peek as our WTF 👊 mobile water treatment plant for treating water from hydrodemolition of Tingstadstunneln evolves

Beautiful day, beautiful tech in prime position. But not only a pretty face, and a super tight fit. It’s a state of the art, best available technology treatment plant with the ability to treat 60 m3/h of heavily impacted, contaminated water. So go easy on the accelerator, bring some popcorn and enjoy the view. And follow us here for more info and photos of the whole treatment plant as it finished and taken into action. Let the work begin!

For information about the project, contact our Tech Guru Victor Steffansson , in charge of the project design or Project manager Anders Holttinen. And of course a high 5 and Nice work 😎👌 to Nicklas Svensson in charge of establishing this piece of art up.