Projects Breadcrumb Home Projects Water Treatment Mälarenergi Mälarenergi Assignment: Treatment of water from surface water collection pond using pre-media filter. Alvesta kommun Alvesta Assignment: Water purification with regard to metals, dioxins, pesticides and PFAS from discontinued wood impregnation operations. YIT Sverige AB E2 Sewer tunnel Assignment: Water purification regarding minimization of particles and pH adjustment according to current emission requirements. Kemikalieindustri Purification of process water from industry Assignment: Particle separation and purification of dissolved mercury. MVB Syd Limhamn Assignment: Water purification with regard to particles and chlorinated solvents. PFAS Envytech Korsör, Danmark Assignment: Sustainable removal of both long and short chain PFAS using SAFF. Swedavia Swedavia Assignment: Treatment of PFAS-contaminated surface runoff using Surface Active Foam Fractionation (SAFF). Telge Återvinning Telge Återvinning Assignment: Treatment of PFAS contaminated landfill leachate using Surface Active Foam Fractionation (SAFF). Alvesta kommun Alvesta Assignment: Water purification with regard to metals, dioxins, pesticides and PFAS from discontinued wood impregnation operations. Proton Finishing Group AB Markaryd Assignment: Remediation of a former surface treatment industry
Mälarenergi Mälarenergi Assignment: Treatment of water from surface water collection pond using pre-media filter.
Alvesta kommun Alvesta Assignment: Water purification with regard to metals, dioxins, pesticides and PFAS from discontinued wood impregnation operations.
YIT Sverige AB E2 Sewer tunnel Assignment: Water purification regarding minimization of particles and pH adjustment according to current emission requirements.
Kemikalieindustri Purification of process water from industry Assignment: Particle separation and purification of dissolved mercury.
Envytech Korsör, Danmark Assignment: Sustainable removal of both long and short chain PFAS using SAFF.
Swedavia Swedavia Assignment: Treatment of PFAS-contaminated surface runoff using Surface Active Foam Fractionation (SAFF).
Telge Återvinning Telge Återvinning Assignment: Treatment of PFAS contaminated landfill leachate using Surface Active Foam Fractionation (SAFF).
Alvesta kommun Alvesta Assignment: Water purification with regard to metals, dioxins, pesticides and PFAS from discontinued wood impregnation operations.