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Stationary water treatment

Fixed-installed water treatment plants

Stricter regulations for water discharges present new challenges for industries and businesses. Envytech offers tailored, fixed-installed water treatment plants that effectively treat water contaminated by industrial processes, contaminated stormwater, and other environments.

Fixed installations

Reliable solutions for long-term water management

With increased discharge requirements for businesses, a permanent water treatment plant is a sustainable solution to ensure that water discharges comply with current environmental regulations. The water treatment system is built using compact, modular systems that are customized to handle everything from heavy metals and oils to complex substances like PFAS. Techniques such as filtration, ion exchangers, chemical precipitation, and pH adjustment can be used to create an optimal treatment process for each business's specific needs.
Our fixed installations are reliable, robust, and designed to meet the requirements of your operations. With digital monitoring, we ensure continuous control, smooth operation, and high treatment capacity over time.

Full responsibility – from design to operation and maintenan

Envytech takes full responsibility for your fixed water treatment plant. We handle everything from feasibility studies, design, and construction to ongoing operation and maintenance. During the design phase, we conduct laboratory-scale water treatment tests to evaluate and optimize the choice of treatment technology. Our specialists ensure that the facility always operates optimally and that all environmental requirements are met.

With a water treatment installation, you get:

Tailored design – Customized to meet your business's specific needs and conditions.
Modern technology – With our expertise in water treatment and market-leading technology, we deliver effective solutions that meet your discharge requirements.
Operational reliability – Sustainable and robust construction with digital monitoring for reliable and continuous operation.
Long-term sustainability – A future-proof solution that meets today's environmental standards and can easily be adapted to changing business needs.