Närbild på ett sprinklersystem monterat i taket, med röda rör och en sprinklerhuvud i fokus.


PFAS-contaminated surfaces and systems

Effective PFAS remediation

Envytech offers safe and effective solutions for remediating PFAS-contaminated systems and surfaces. By cleaning sprinkler systems, tanks, pipelines, and other components, we reduce PFAS concentrations by over 99%.

Remediation of PFAS-contaminated surfaces and systems

Remediation of PFAS-contaminated surfaces and systems

Sprinkler systems and industrial surfaces

When PFAS-containing firefighting foam (AFFF) is replaced with fluorine-free foam, thorough cleaning of the system is necessary to eliminate the risk of recontamination. Using a method where rinse water circulates through the system, PFAS molecules are effectively bound and separated from surfaces with the help of a specially adapted treatment liquid.

This process involves multiple rinse cycles to ensure all traces of PFAS are removed. Simultaneously, the used rinse water is collected and purified in a mobile water treatment plant to minimize waste.

Our methods are gentle on the system's materials, carefully tested, and designed to provide a sustainable and reliable solution that meets all applicable environmental regulations.

With Envytech's comprehensive solution, we take responsibility for the entire remediation process—from thorough assessment and planning to cleaning and final documentation.