Tight Tech Tuesday presents not only tight, but sustainable as well as effective water treatment for construction process water


Good Morning Malmö, Sweden. We won’t only love your show during Eurovision in May, but everyday from now on.

We are proud to have the trust of our client Sjöbo Schakt, carrying out construction and remediation works in central Malmö. As in most citys, the ground is contaminated with metals and petroleum hydrocarbons found in both the soil and groundwater. As the main part of the metal contamination is particle bound, an effective removal of suspended solids solves this problem.

This water treatment plant is designed to handle the requested flow of 40 m3/h, and the set up is an Envy blue line with an incoming buffer tank, a two stage mixer tank  followed by two lamellas with rake and automatic sludge pumps. The mixer is equipped with with a automatic and flow proportional dosing System for flocculation and precipitation chemicals. It also has an automatic pH controlled additive system for CO2 in case pH drops.

The lamellas are equipped with rakes to make sure the settled sludge don’t stick to the sides, but reach the bottom hopper, where sludge pumps can transfer the sludge for sustainable, cheap and easy dewatering. Forget expensive vacuum trucks carrying large volumes of watery sludge through the city. Say hello to 1m3 of of dry matter per 2-3 months, that can be put on any truck and received at any soil handling plant with the right permits.

Now that’s not only blue, but pretty beautiful sustainable green too 💚

For more information on the project and our possibilities, contact project manager Erik Löfgren

Tight Tech Tuesday brings you WOW! Tight and effective pre-treatment followed by effective media filters


Let us present our newest tool in our water treatment toolbox: Our super compact, super effective and super water – as well as service – saving pre-media filter treatment.

In a winter fairy tale filmed at our very appreciated client Mälarenergi, one can see our treatment set up for water coming from a surface water collection pond, offering water with suspended particles, organics, metals and dissolved PAHs.

The incoming water passes through a particle filtration unit that automatically back washed itself every 2 hours. The water needed to back wash this tight filter is minimal due to a clever invention, and the flush is completely automated. no service crew needed.

This solution have outperformed our previous SS removal trial with flocculation and precipitation followed by a glass filter media. The water was changing to often, to much for this to be a suitable solution.

The particle free water is then passed through an activated carbon filter for removal of PAHs and organics, before entering an anion exchange filter for removal of dissolved metals.

And Voila! One unexpectedly tricky water cleaned down below discharge criteria.

For more info on the project and our solutions, please contact project manager Robin Axelson

Also, a big high five and well done 👌👏 to our technician Martin Jepsen for a super smooth installation and service works..

Mighty Treatment Tech for THE Mightiest construction site


Tight Tech Tuesday presents the official trailer of ”Mighty Treatment Tech for THE Mightiest construction site”

Alright! We have known about this project for a little while now internally, but now you too can reserve seats and bring out the popcorn 🍿. Cannes film festival be bygone. The upcoming projects that we are to present beats any tiny man named Oscar.

This first trailer shows the establishment of our latest dreamy blue, state of the art treatment gear for handling flows of ca 25 m3/h of construction site surface water runoff mixed with groundwater water.

Flocculation and precipitation chemicals are added automatically and flow proportional in a two stage mixer, bringing any fines into removable sized flocks. Problem with pH? No worries, this is also handled automatically if the sensors show the need. The particles settle out in lamella clarifiers, and the sludge is transferred by automatic sludge pumps and deposited into geotubes for de-watering. A Cheap, easy and effective way of minimising/eliminating the need of vacuum trucks.

The last particles are polished of by activated glass filter media, and any organic contaminants and PFAS are removed as the water passes vessels with activated carbon filters.

If dissolved metals show up on the guest list? Not a problem, these are easily removed by a specific flocculation chemical added in the mixer stage or by anion exchange resins as a last step before release to the recipient.

And Tada 🎉 A water meeting all target criteria.

For the possibility of indulging in dramatic treatment data and action scenes of live treatment, make sure not to miss the premier a little while away, where we get to name the lead actors and place of the scene. And for even more jaw dropping tech set ups, using several first time in Sweden water tech,  make sure to follow us on here on LinkedIn. We can hardly believe that we have the opportunity to perform these projects, so we believe you too will enjoy the show(s – 3 actually!!) To be continued…

Tight Tech Tuesday enjoys effective, tight, dreamy blue dewatering of jet grouting back wash water


We are right where we want to be, amongst muddy complex water and sludge, and we thank our impressive client OHLA  for the opportunity and trust to treat this demanding ”water”

The source of the sludge comes from jet grouting performed by KELLER  where cement is injected into the ground, and the sludge reject that comes back up is deposited in sedimentation ponds. The water in the ponds are then pump to our system for polishing.

The recipe / design for these works start with a reaction tank where flocculation and precipitation chemicals are added with automatic and flow proportional. The chemicals cause removal of suspended solids, but also transforms chromium6 to chromium3, as well as adjust pH.

The water flows with gravity to a lamella clarifier where sludge and and metals are removed. The sludge is automatically pumped back to the sedimentation ponds for storage until excavated and removed for landfill. A step that together with the water treatment minimises not only the wet waste for deposit, but also all transportation and cost that comes with it.

Neat, Tight, Efficient. Just the way we like it.

For more information, contact our Master of design Victor Steffansson or project manager Robin Axelson

Tight Tech Tuesday!!! Tonight’s special: Effective treatment of water/sludge from city close tunnel #drilling works 🚇💦


Deep down below The beautiful capital of Sweden, Stockholm, massive construction works are shaping a new more connected, sustainable and modern traveling system. One of the projects are named Hammarby canal, a future station in the new subway system of Stockholm Nya tunnelbanan, Region Stockholm

We are immensely proud to be water treatment tech suppliers to our competent and professional client Itinera, responsible for the construction for these tunnel works.

This block buster shows of a heavy duty treatment train for removal of #SuspendedSolids #SS using a compact 2-step mixer with automated flow proportional adding of #flocculation and #precipitation chemicals. The solids are left to settle in a lamella clarifier with a sludge hopper, and an automated sludge pump for easy sludge removal. The #sludge is collected in a geotube where it is left to de-water, creating minimal waste that is dry and easy to handle, leaving almost no need for vacuum trucks.

To handle the fairly large flow demand of 60 m3/h, the treated flow is split into two lamellas to obtain enough settling times.

Now THAT is one ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Tight Tech set up, and we are as impressed as always, by the work of our top notch technician Martin Jepsen 👌👊

Holy Macaroni! Envytech Solutions to solve the complex water treatment mission at former Macaroni factory in Uppsala.


We are as proud as excited to have been chosen by Forsen AB for the mission to treat the ancient and contaminated water that have been left in the macaroni factory basement, since decommissioning of the plant. The water contains a fair amount of super fine suspended particles as well as dissolved metals.

The treatment plant is set up at Kv. Ångkvarnen starts with a 2-step mixer with automated, flow proportional adding of chemicals for flocculation and precipitation. The sludge is aloud to settle in a lamella clarifier and collected in the sludge hopper at the bottom, from where the sludge is automatically pumped to a geo tube for dewatering. A simple but super effective way to minimize the need of vacuum trucks and volumes of waste.

The particle free water then passes a polishing step of activated glassmedia for that final reduction of particles before entering an ion exchange filter to remove the dissolved metals.

The system can handle flows up to 25 m3/h, and the total volume of treatment is estimated between 2 500 – 5000 m3.

To hear more about project and/or our solutions, contact project manager Victor Steffansson – who is also our #watertreatment design specialist.

Favourite day of the week: Tight Tech Tuesday! Treatment tech with a capacity of up to 40 m3/h on (almost) no space 😳


This is not only a beautiful photo, but a top modern, top notch treatment set up for suspended particles including all from organics to super fines and in all in all, wicked flow velocity on a 2,5x6m surface.
-Yes, it’s true. The two blue buffer tanks to the left and one to the right only serves as tools to be able to pump the water far distances.

The reason this kind of flow capacity is needed at a site like this, is that the client (halleluja) is planning ahead for heavy rainfall events, where the gear have to deliver. Otherwise the site will flood, and create major problems. But ni worries here as we have super smart thinking by Skanska and Envytech project manager Robin Axelson. Always a pleasure working with pros 👌😎

New week, new projects. And how about a seriously complex sludge de-watering project in central Oslo, Norway.


Yes, another project in our Norwegian history book, and this is a really interesting project that we are happy to perform together with super competent and experienced Tore Frogner and Veidekke Norge.

This centrally located project is involving the construction of a a new train station building, and part of the works involves installation of ”pipe piles” 36 m down into the bedrock. While passing the overlaying clay layers, a thick dense #sludge is produced, and this is the sludge that Envytech is to de-water in cooperation with Envidan A/S .

In these photos Victor Steffansson and our VERY well prepared technician Mikael ”Musen” Holm are performing the installation of 4 inch passive mixers, mixer station and pumps for dosing of #flocculation chemicals. The sludge is pumped from the storage container through the mixing station, and the tested sludge is then pumped into 30 m3 geotubs for de-watering. And as it is a really challenging sludge, we will be excited to see the results, and to see if we manage to separate this beast of fine particles and water.

To be continued…

Tight Tech Tuesday. AGAIN.


Lets enjoy with checking out our favourite flocculation and precipitation recipe at the moment.

Another set of particles bites to dust. This as project manager Robin Axelson calibrates the magic for a new project. A procedure we do at the start of every project with suspended particles.

For more info, please contact Victor Steffansson or Robin Axelson for Stockholm area and Rikard Karlsson or Say Svanström for Goa Gothenburg 😊

Tight Tech Tuesday? Oh do we have a suitable candidate in this perfect fit water treatment at Snäckan 8, Stockholm.


Yeah check it out. This is a tight effective and nothing short of gorgeous treatment set up transforming complex particle heavy, pH high cement slurry to almost crystal clear water.

The water/sludge is pumped into a buffer tank from where it’s transferred to a compact particle treatment unit adding #flocculation and #precipitation chemicals in a mixer step and where the particles are left to settle out in a lamella step with a #sludge hopper. The water is collected in a buffer container before being released to the recipient.

This job is the very special and prestigious #Snäckan8 by #Sheraton Stockholm for well experienced Skanska and team. A job planned for almost a decade, and labelled one of the most complex construction projects in Sweden.
As always a pleasure working with professionals. These guys almost go under the label Rockstar. An extra high high 5 to our hard working field crew for a smooth establishment 🖐️👌🍾

Tight Tech Tuesday – Oh yes we are back. And this time with our first integrated lamella and mixer system size XL 😎🤠


They who say size don’t matter have not seen this absolutely gorgeous, competent, integrated particle separation system for larger flows.

And it’s not only big and effective, it is also super smooth as it is very easily installed and winter protected, as the unit comes in one piece, minimising the need for connecting pipes and hoses.

The little brother to this unit is about to receive a little sister – just wait, but how we have waited for this piece in our puzzle. This as it will have an unique place when washing out PFAS contaminated sprinkler systems, pipe works and firetrucks using PerfluorAd from Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH .

Want to know more about this work – and all other MASSIVE projects that just landed in our laps –  we have the best clients in the world ❤️, follow us here on LinkedIn or contact Victor Steffansson for infrastructure solutions or Helena Hinrichsen for PFAS remediation solutions for soil, water and installations.

Compact, effective dewatering of construction works in a pond area carried out by ABTK Anläggning AB


Maybe grey skies, but as always, our equipment are shining blue like a summer sky.  Even while treating muddy water filled with particles and dissolved metals.

The treatment train is made up from a buffer container to equalise flow rates, followed by static mixers injecting flocculation and precipitation chemicals in flow specific amounts. The particles are then let to settle in a lamella separator with a sludge collector at the bottom. The sludge is pumped to a geotub for de-watering, minimising the need of vacuum trucks as well as minimising waste volumes. After the lamella, residual rest flocks are collected in a second sedimentation container before the water is pumped to filter vessels for treatment by AIX for dissolved zink. The water is then released to the recipient and meets all target criteria.

Simple, tight, effective and economical. Just the way we like it 👌🌊💦