The first step in our on-site site specific investigation activities that will be followed up by SAFF – Surface Active Foam Fractionation treatment of the PFAS contaminated ground water. Say Svanström is therefore leaving the stage at the conference to Robin Axelson and Helena Hinrichsen , to join the installation and accelerate in knowledge. Installations Läs mer
1,5 year in, I am still amazed every month by the PFAS removal rates of SAFF on such complex leachate waters as this, removing long chain PFAS down to non detect in every sample. We have more then 50 samples over a period of 18 months showing almost exactly the same removal rates for the Läs mer
Allright, first official update – not on a nuggets package – of results achieved using ElectroChemical Oxidation (EO #ECO) The treatment is running with a flow of 200 liters a day, and samples were taken at T0 and T7days – which means 7 treatment cycles for the full PFAS waste produced by SAFF treatng 30 000 m3 of leachate.T0 results (blue line) Läs mer
SAFF – Surface Active Foam Fractionation by EPOC Envuro treats PFAS contaminated waters using only air, no pre treatment systems, minimum electricity (0,7 kWh/m3) and produce almost no waste. And it works on the most complex waters – like this cross contaminated, highly organic devil mix of effluent from an industrial water treatment facility in Läs mer
Big day for me and Victor Steffansson today at our trial facility where our bench scale sized SAFF system – the miniSAFF, as we call it, is situated. As waters from all over Europe is landing in our lab, and clients are eager to see what PFAS removal rates we can achieve using the SAFF Läs mer
Couldn’t be a more beautiful summer day then this to present some cool photos from 1 week into our PFAS destruction project using Electrochemical Oxidation (EO) – an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). The project is working with a speed of 200 liters per day – and as 200 liters is all we have from treating almost 30 Läs mer
Jajamen. Förra veckan hörde Peter Harms-Ringdahl av sig och meddelade att projektet blivit godkänt och att pengar tilldelas. Superkul och Superviktigt tycker vi på Envytech, och vi ser fram emot att dela åtgärdstekniker resultat, möjligheter från våra snart 2 år med unik erfarenhet och flest projekt i världen med Foam Fractionation för PFAS, och 5 Läs mer
Ja men det var ett tag sedan vi fick starta veckan med ett riktigt skitigt schaktvatten. Men såklart såg det inte ut som på den undre bilden från början. Nä, som så många andra gånger visade sig vattnet i början från sin bästa sida, som i den övre bilden, för att sedan övergå till ett Läs mer
Igår var team PFAS ute och finjusterade vårt senaste fullskaliga PFAS-lakvattenprojekt. Ett pilotprojekt på en deponi för att testa SAFF-reningslösningen av EPOC Enviro / OPEC Systems med endast luft och inga förbehandlingssystem för att behandla PFAS i lakvatten. –Ja vi vet, vi har sagt det förut, men DETTA är det svåraste lakvattnet hittills 🙈⁉️ Precis Läs mer
Super proud to once again to have the trust of our very professional client YIT – Urban developer and construction company to be in charge of the water treatment at project Smedslätt.As peak flows are higher then previously expected, the earlier establishment with a 2 step mixer with automatic flow adjusted pH, flocculation and precipitation Läs mer
It’s been a busy week for our PFAS crew. A very interesting on-site trial was carried out at a clients office for treatment of a drinking water source, with camera crew and all, to share the work that is being done with the surrounding community. The trial went as planned, and we are now awaiting Läs mer
And so the establishment is finished, and the first volumes has passed through the system, and the initial samples controlling the effectiveness of system removal of suspended solids, metals, petroleum products, nitrogen, phosphorus and pH have been collected. A service carried out by Envytech staff as apart of our full service offer, making tuning, correction, Läs mer